C.T. Lee and Associates – New York immigration Lawyer

299 Broadway, Suite 1501 New York, NY 10007



Mon - Fri : 9:30 am - 6:30 pm

C.T. Lee & Associates, Attorneys at Law

C.T. Lee & Associates, also known as Law Offices of Corey T. Lee, PLLC, provides comprehensive legal services with a personal touch in order to act as a bridge between the immigrant community and the American legal system.

Practice Areas :

  • Immigration Law
  • Real Estate Law
  • Business Law
  • Litigation

Languages spoken :

Hablamos Español
мы говорим по-русски

Team Members / Attorneys :

Founder & Managing Attorney.
Corey Lee is a leading immigration lawyer in New York City. Every year he helps hundreds of immigrants obtain legal status through various visas such as the O-1, L-1, and H1-B visa.

Luis Amadeo Hernández Situ, Ph.D., Esq. (LinkedIn)
International Commercial Practice in Japan, USA, and Latin America, cross borders transactions, project finance, renewable energy, foreign investment, corporate compliance, international joint ventures, restructurings, mergers and acquisitions, and large public procurement contracts.


299 Broadway, Suite 1501
New York, NY 10007
Phone : 212-566-5509
Fax : 888-251-9306
Email : coreyleelaw[at]coreyleelaw.com
[at] = @
Website : coreyleelaw.com

Home Lawyers in New York City Immigration Attorneys in New York City

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Posted in Immigration Attorneys

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