Lisa Clampitt Matchmaking – New York Matchmaking Services and Relationship Expert

89 5th Avenue Suite 602 New York, NY 10003


Lisa Clampitt Matchmaking

Lisa Clampitt, LMSW, is the founder and president of Lisa Clampitt Matchmaking, the co-founder and Executive Director of the Matchmaking Institute, and a professional matchmaker and relationship expert for over a 20+ years. Helping New Yorkers find and keep love for over 20 years.

Services :
– Matchmaking Services for Men
– Matchmaking Services for Women
– Personalized Coaching Programs

Lisa Clampitt Matchmaking

Address :
Lisa Clampitt Matchmaking
89 5th Avenue Suite 602
New York, NY 10003
Phone : (212)242-4755
Email : lisa[at]
replace [at] = @
Website :


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